Over the last 25 years of my life, I have had a daily practice of “tea and chocolate with Jesus.”  I’m not sure what exactly inspired the start of it, but I remember His words to me somewhere near the beginning…”time with me is rich and sweet, and this practice is a daily reminder of that truth.”  Oh, how these times have nourished and sustained me…through so many different seasons.

The kids in my life know about this practice as they have participated with me joyfully during sleepovers and family vacation, watching the Matthew videos as we drank tea (or hot chocolate for some 😀) and ate chocolate first thing in the morning.  They thought the chocolate part was amazing!  And in the process, I hope and pray that I modeled to them the delight of a living relationship with Jesus which will impact their own daily practice of relating with Him.

Somewhere along the line, due to my many travels, I started taking pictures of the places where this daily meeting with Jesus took place–no matter where I was in the world.  The yearly review of my daily meeting places with Him and His faithfulness in each and every location has been a blessing and a “stone of remembrance” year after year.

This is my 2021 Chocolate and Tea with Jesus year in review via photos.   May it be a blessing and fuel your own review of His faithfulness in your life.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases . His mercies never come to an end.  They are new every morning.  Great is His faithfulness…”  Lamentations 3:22-23