I just returned to South Africa recently after taking part in the Gathering, an event I have attended since 1998.  The Gathering is a group of friends who invest in the kingdom of Christ all over the world.  The richness of relationships, wisdom and knowledge that I have gained over the years from this weekend cannot be quantified.  I am blessed each and every year.

During a courtyard breakfast this year, one of my long time Gathering friends came up and enthusiastically asked me if I had been on “such and such” an elevator a few minutes previously.  Having no idea what he was talking about, I looked at him as if he had lost his mind, but he continued by saying, “I got on that elevator, and I knew that you had been there because it smelled like you!”

My mom was right (as she so often is) when she told me in high school that I should choose a fragrance and stick with it, as people remember you by your scent.

Perfume aside, that whole interaction with my friend got me me thinking about “the fragrance of Christ.”

What “scent” do I leave–on an elevator…when I’m traveling, bone tired and in one of those pressurized situations (I recently had to apologize to a Hertz woman in one such situation)…at my condo association–a challenge for the last 20 years…

When I walk away, what “scent” remains…do people know, in some way, that Jesus has been there because His “fragrance” still lingers?

I read an article just today where, in the most tragic and horrible situation from any human perspective, there was a group of people who left a STRONG fragrance of Christ.  Isis Crucifies 11 Christian Missionaries.  A sweet smelling fragrance that wafted to the throne in heaven…

May my fragrance be Him:  Let it be Jesus by Christy Nockels

Let it be Jesus…when all is said and done…For me to live is Christ,

Signature :: Laurie